Wednesday, April 9, 2014

7 Servings Per Day?!

Let's get right into this. Over the years, the quality regarding nutritional value of fruits and vegetables have greatly diminished. Moreover, there are now new standards of how much fruits and veggies we

should be eating which is seven serving verses the former four servings. Hello! It's about time this standard has been set forth.
For decades the nutritional value of our fruits and veggies have been diminishing. My big question is: what took so long for "big brother" to recognize it? Could it be that the CDC Center for Disease Control and the USDA United Stated Department of Agriculture have finally crouched the numbers to see that Americans are eating the former recommended intake of fruits and veggies and are still succumbing to illnesses like heart disease and cancer due to a lack in vital nutrients provided by fruits and veggies?
We have been robbed of proper nutrients for decades now people and the only true way to fill those nutritional gaps is to grow the food yourself of take a multivitamin. The old cliché "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is totally outdated and unwarranted. An apple a day just may be the cause of one going to the doctor now days!
In conclusion, if you eat a good amount of fruits and veggies per day, just eat more to benefit your health. If that means having a banana with your coffee, then do it. I assure you it will be worth your while. I personally like fresh fruits and veggies. No, no veggies with my coffee.
Lightly steamed veggies with a little crunch is good. Make sure you do not steam them so much as to where the color fades. The color is the nutrients. If at all possible, eat them raw. Yes, it's an acquired taste for some veggies to be consumed raw like asparagus. 

As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first.


CDC Fruit and Vegetable Calculator: This page was last updated in June of 2012.
USDA: "Choose My Plate."

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