Monday, March 18, 2019

Professional Fitness Trainers VS Personal Trainers

It is highly unfortunate that our profession is being taken over by fly-by-night jocks and jock-ets who want to use their fit bodies and good looks to hit on clients. It's time to put a stop to that and give you the insight to distinguish the difference.

This post is in reference to an Instagram (iG) post from Shah Cutler ridiculing an overweight woman in McDonalds making an order. I will also hit on other professional versus unprofessional trainer behaviors as well.
I am completely disgusted at how trainers continue to stain the already stigmatized name of personal trainer. More so when it comes to males in our industry. Quite frankly, I have known some male personal trainers who should go into being a full-time gigolo because of their behavior! They actually talk about how they have had sex with clients! Where is the professionalism?! Let me tell you something. By NO MEANS should a personal trainer, one who has the trust of the client and who the client believes has their best interest in mind ever cross the line of being physically intimate with a client. It is absolutely disgraceful. Okay, some clients share intimate details with their trainer but we must always take the professional route.

Hey personal trainer, if you pursue a prospective client based on how you feel about the size of her booty or the curvature of her waist, or "she is gorgeous," then you should be ashamed of yourself and not pursue under the ploy "I am a personal trainer" to take her money.

Ladies! Here are some of the signs of  a "personal trainer" you should steer clear from vs a Fitness Professional

(A) A Fitness Professional will ease into what he does after finding out more about your lifestyle and goals after a firm handshake and a direct look in your eyes.
(B). If he says in the opening line: "I am a personal trainer." You should turn and run so he can see you are athletic you are!

(A). A fitness professional will never caress your thighs or touch your booty in any way. As a Fitness Professional I use the poking method to draw mental focus to the working muscle but never poking the glutes or chest.
(B). If you are sucked in with his ploy of a personal trainer and you notice he touches a lot with his full hand on your thigh or even on your booty. You are in trouble.

(A). A Fitness Professional will never hit on you of make you feel uncomfortable in any way. Period!
(B). If you feel uncomfortable because of the comments made or questions asked regarding your status, you are with a personal trainer.

Fitness Professionals. We must distinguish ourselves from the importers in our field. They have tainted the good name of professionals like you and me who hold ourselves to a high standard of professionalism. If you are a Fitness Professionals it is time to break the mold and step away from the stigmatized name of personal trainer. We must bring professionalism back to fitness. We must remain professional with what we say, how we conduct ourselves with clients, and in the public eye. We do not talk about overweight individuals in a vulgar manner or in any way that is considered discouraging as Shai Cutler did in the shown picture. I will let it be known, I AM A FITNESS PROFESSIONAL.

The Argument
My distinguished comparison of personal trainers (namely male) and fitness professionals is based on what I have seen and heard for the past 16 years in the business. I know that not all male personal trainers are unprofessional and most do keep business separate from personal feelings of lust. If you are offended by my post you could very well be the stigmatized personal trainer I am talking about or you could be one willing to adopt the name of Fitness Professional because you are disgusted by so-called "personal trainers" and you are a true professional in the field not disgracing the name as a pickup line.
I feel calling a fitness professional a personal trainer is like calling a massage therapist a masseuse. The only happy ending you get from a Fitness Professional is great and lasting results from a strategically targeted fitness program like those you get from CM Fitness Consulting, the standard of professionalism in the fitness industry.

Refer to the Shah Cutler picture: Although he did apologize as you will see upon searching for his profile, those words should have never been said or posted as he represents the fitness community. He was socially crucified and rightfully so in my opinion. I used his post because it serves as the perfect example of Fitness Professionals vs "personal trainers," and not to call him out in any way.

As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first. 

Follow me on iG: cmfc_trainer and CM_fitness_1
FB: @CMFitnessConsulting

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