Saturday, January 23, 2016

The BLDS Formula

So what is BLDS? This is what most of us know already but few of us actually implement on a daily basis. I will explain the formula behind BLDS so that you can implement it in your weight loss, muscle gain, or weight maintenance routines. To some, this will be gold and to others this will be like...... duuuh! I knew that.
Seriously, this is something that is very simple. I just made it a fancy acronym and put it into a formula to help make it mine lol! Not really. No matter what your fitness goal is, there is one thing for certain and that is eating. So many weight loss clients feel that skipping meals is the key to losing weight is skipping a meal. That is a horribly common misconception and frankly, any person who tells you that should be ashamed of themselves. Research has revealed time and time again the tremendous downfalls of skipping meals. Let's see; first your body values calories rather than burns them which eventually builds fat. Secondly, prolonged eating of this sort (skipping two or more meals) will render one malnourished which has a slew of contraindications in itself, and thirdly, eating below your daily caloric recommendations will cause you to gain weight because you body goes into survival mode. In addition, your body will eat away muscle for energy (cannibalism). So losing weight in this scenario becomes a huge challenge. Implementing BLDS can help. 

When it comes to gaining muscle and skipping meals, forget about it. Incorporate BLDS and watch your body properly transform. When you do not eat enough calories to compensate for what you burn in the gym as well as 500 more calories to gain the an extra pound per week, your muscle gain will be reduced. Sorry brotein shake. You have to eat every two to three hours just like the weight loss person believe it or not. The difference is you eat 500 additional calories per day to gain weight and the weight loss person eats 500 less calories per day to lose weight.

Weight gain example: You burn 300 calories during your workout but you need to intake 500 more calories than what you need to maintain your current weight. So 2000 calories is weight maintenance and 2500 calories is what you need to gain weight. You burn 300 during your workout. That leaves you at 2200 calories. You would need to consume 2800 calories for the day to be able to put on one pound of weight in one week. That means not skipping meals bro-diddy. Eat your BLDS.

No Magic Pill, Just FitnessBLDS is breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I told you it was simple right. The formula is BSLSDS which is breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner-snack. Eating like this will help you towards your desired fitness goal of weight loss, muscle gain, or weight maintenance. This allows your body to constantly burn calories (the inferno effect) and not store them in adipose tissue as fat. This helps to keep you body in an anabolic state which is ideal for building muscle. This helps you maintain your
weight without having to do any extreme dieting. I understand there are some who may require medical attention for illnesses or other bodily malfunctions. I am not making a claim to this formula being the secret to all weight-related issues. I am saying that ideally, this is how an apparently healthy individual would eat to maintain, gain, or lose weight. Always consult your physician before taking on any nutrition or fitness regimen.

Do keep in mind that when and/or if you use this formula, it would be ideal to track your calories for at least one week to gain a better perspective on how many calories you consume per day. If you eat basically the same things every day, tracking your calories could be a revelation in many ways. Just try it. It's only for a week. Many people find it helpful to continue a calorie log long well after the initial week in order to stay on track with their intake.  You do want those calories to be from high quality food sources. Snacks usually consist of fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds.

I do welcome your feedback on this and any other posts you have read and/or implemented in your routines.

 As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first.   

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