Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hey! Keep it Clean!

What is eating clean? It's actually easier than dieting in my opinion. Quite often do dieters fall off the wagon and eat in such a way that got them to the point of dieting in the first place. Now days the word "diet" is shunned among fitness experts. It's now more of a "change in eating habits." Call it what you want but we know the truth. The way we eat determines our health.
I have talked about this subject in other posts but not so much as defining "eating clean," so here we go. Sure, washing the food off will clean it. I digress, to tell a story of how one day my mother told my sister to clean the chicken before cooking it. My sister cleaned the chicken with dish detergent. Well, it was clean right? Seriously, eating clean is essentially eating foods that agree with your body's natural responses to homogeneously process nutrients from foods eaten. 

Think about the food that is made in today's fast paced and exploding population. Food literally has to be genetically modified for mass production to keep up with our consumption. But what nutrients are in the food naturally? Let's take bread for instance. Bread is made from grain. Naturally, bread is brown from the wheat which is brown and will have a shelf-life of about 2 to 3 days. With the addition of preservatives and additives to extend the freshness of the bread, the shelf-life will be extended to about one week with some brands. It's interesting how these chemicals-after years of exposure-decrease our health but extend the life of bread and other foods.....Things that make you go hmmm.

I say all that to say this; when we eat foods that are compatible to our body's natural chemical processes-adding good bacteria, vitamins, and minerals- we extend the life of our organs, cells, and the functions thereof. We add to our overall good health and life. HEALTH IS LIFE. Choose health.
Some may think or say: "I've been eating chemicals for this long and I'm still alive." How "alive" are you? "We're all going to die from something." Don't let it be something we have control over. "I'm too old to change my ways now." Awh just, stop the madness! It really is never too late to feel better in life. Just keep that in mind before you shun even the notion of eating better quality food.

Daily Designer
You don't have to shop at the big-chain whole food type stores to eat clean. They are simply not for the everyday budget. Try your local farmer's markets. There you can get good quality fruity, veggies and other wholesome product. You would even promote community support. See. You don't have to break the bank to eat clean. Just imagine how much money you spend on fast food and other non-nutritious edibles per week and put that towards food that actually helps your body and supports overall good health.

The most challenging part of eating clean is our mind. You have to be fully convinced of the benefits from eating clean. Until you try it, you will n
ever experience the full benefits. We all know someone who may talk about all they know about eating clean and it may sound good coming from their lips. That's about it. Walk the talk my friends. Maybe you can show them the benefits. ;)

1. Eating clean is not hard
2. Eating clean does not have to break the bank
3. Train your mentality. You don't need junk food.
4. It's never too late to start eating clean.

As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first. 
For one-on-one consulting visit CM Fitness Consulting

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