Monday, March 27, 2017

How I Lost 10 Pounds

Hello and thank you for checking out this post. Obviously this post is attractive because you have a weight loss goal. I'm glad you decided to click on the link. I will share with you what I did, how I did it, and my results. Enjoy!

I did this strictly for health reasons. I wanted to rid my body of toxins. Boy did I ever. I was reading a book on my shelf called Prescription for Natural Healing by James F. Blanch, M.D., and Phyllis A. Blanch, C.N.C. (1994). This book is loaded with natural remedies for just about any ailment you can think of. So I came across a fast. We all know about fasting but like me, we go about it the wrong way. We just don't eat for a certain time. Always, always, always seek proper knowledge before partaking in any activity involving your health. I read what the authors had to say about fasting. Here are some key points:
  • Fasting should be done once a month to increase one's overall health and wellness. 
  • Fasting for three days will naturally detox your body
  • Fasting for five days your body will begin healing itself. 
  • Hypoglysemics should not go without eating during a fast. 
  • A fast longer than five days should be followed by your physician. 
I did the three day fast. Mind you, I eat every two to three hours about 4k calories per day easy. At the start of the fast my weight was 211 lbs. The total fast takes seven days in all. It goes like this:
  • Days 1 & 2: you must prep your body with uncooked vegetables and fruits for every meal.  
  • Days 3,4, and 5: you consume nothing that must be chewed. Spirulina is recommended. It is a superfood packed with essential nutrients your body needs. Don't freak out like I almost did. If you get hungry, and you will, you can eat watermelon or puree an apple. 
  • Days 6 & 7: repeat days 1 & 2 to condition your digestive system to process solids again. This is important and necessary to do. 
For those who want to lose weight, naturally detoxing is a great way. If your anything like me, weight loss is not your goal so going into this spirulina detox, expect to lose weight. In fact, I lost 10 lbs in five days! The picture is of me post Spirulina Fast. My abs looked the way they did when I weighed 185 lbs. They were as flat as a board and hard as a rock! Sorry. I couldn't find a before picture with my shirt off but I didn't look as lean. We talked about how much weight to safely lose in my post "What's With the Number 3500?", and losing two pounds a day is not safe by far. With that said, this is not something you should do for an extended period of time without consulting your physician. Check out this video where I explain my Spirulina Fast journey.

As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first

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