Thursday, March 19, 2015

No Texting and Lifting!

We were working out and really going hard on declines. I was on my third set of 15 reps out of four and getting a good strain on the last three reps. At this time muscle fatigue had set in so it was time to work! I strained at number 13, struggled with number 14. "Okay partner, spot me" I said as the weight slowly worked its way to my neck. "Partner spot me" as I struggled to say....... "partner" I belched!....

Would you believe this dude was texting while I was struggling?! Really?! Alright gym rats and fitness enthusiasts alike; I will keep this as simple as possible. NO TEXTING WHILE LIFTING!

If you have a workout partner, here are some reasons to not text while lifting:

1.) You mind will be on other issues rather that your muscles.
2.) You lose the mind-muscle connection which is not just a myth.
3.) It takes too much precious time to stop, read, and send a damned message.
4.) You must not be serious so why are you in the gym?
5.) You lose track of the rep count. Keep your partner in line.
6.) If your partner's form and technique is off, you won't catch it and cause your partner vital stimulation loss to the proper muscle group.
7.) You may miss out on a milestone moment like finally hitting 20 non-stop reps of whatever. You get the point.
8.) Who knows, you may get emotional over a text and run out the gym leaving your partner hanging. 9.) You're not working on finger dexterity, the gym isn't an Occupational Therapy lab.
10.) Lastly.......YOUR PARTNER COULD GET HURT MAN and all you will be able to say is my bad dude. C'mon man!

In all seriousness, true fitness takes true focus. Your and your gym partner must be in sync and be ready to spot, motivate, and check form at all times. Distractions could prove detrimental so do what you have to do to stay focused.

As always, thank you for your time and for putting your health first. 

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